Change your drinking today and feel more in control.
StartWe all want to stay healthy – including staying in control of our drinking.
The way we drink alcohol can affect both our health and mental wellbeing – so how do you cut down and stick to lower levels?
Our courses help you plan exactly how much and when to drink – so you feel more in control.
We give you short exercises to do every day for 30 days, helping you make lasting changes to feel lighter and healthier.
An email lesson a day
We'll send you one email a day to help you cut down. You'll spend 5–10 minutes a day reading and carrying out short exercises.
Based on evidence
Our courses are based on counselling and wellbeing techniques to help you understand your drinking and manage how much and when you drink.
Exercises suited to you
Everyone is different – so we design our courses to help you find what works for you, enabling you to work out how to get your drinking under control.
Learn how to get your drinking under control and feel the benefits right away!
The Drink Less programme will teach you how to cut down and stick to healthier levels, allowing you to stay in control of how much and when you drink.
You'll get an email a day – for 30 days – with your expert guide to cutting down and exercises to help you gain control over your drinking – putting you in charge of exactly what, where and when you drink.
Alcohol Health Network
This programme has been developed by Alcohol Health Network CIC, a social enterprise founded in 2011 to support everyone to understand more about their drinking and to get help to cut down if needed.
Our mission is to promote alcohol awareness, health and wellbeing. We've helped thousands of people work out how much they drink, what that means for their health and to cut down to healthier levels.